EUCAPACO services
1. the individual organization of medical counseling and treatment schedules
■ When diagnosing cancer, it is recommended to start therapy at a world-famous university clinic.
■ The exact and quick diagnosis and the immediate start of therapy at a famous university clinic sometimes drastically increase the chance of recovery and also extend the survival time of cancer patients.
■ The cancer patient without metastasis can get a quick therapy appointment with the world-famous expert during the 12-day information trip, which usually requires waiting times of more than 3 months.
■ The cancer patient with metastasis can also book a quick therapy or surgery appointment with the world-famous expert during the family’s 12-day information trip, which usually requires waiting times of more than 3 months.
2. coordination of medical assessment fee payment
■ Before booking a treatment appointment, a famous professor will ask you to pay the medical examinations in advance. The earlier the advance payment for the assessment is made, the faster the patient gets a therapy appointment.
■ Many foreign cancer patients outside the EU do not know this bureaucratic process and this delays therapy.
■ The EUCAPACO company can arrange the diversion of the appraisal fees. This allows both the patient and the medical professors to work together with trust.
3. fixation of medical treatment date and coordination of prepayment
■ Many German university hospitals require foreign cancer patients outside the EU to pay the full amount of therapy costs in advance of the treatment. This payment rule is sometimes the hurdle for some foreign cancer patients because the transfer of therapy costs from Asia to Europe sometimes requires a lot of documents from the local bank.
■ Despite the promise of therapy from Germany, Austria or Switzerland, the cancer patient sometimes has to negotiate with the local bank for the transfer of the therapy costs, which is still a mental burden for the cancer patient.
■ The EUCAPACO company immediately helps cancer patients with such a difficult situation through various channels. Cancer patients can be treated much faster by quickly solving the problem of transferring therapy costs.
4. pick-up service from the airport to clinics and transfer
■ The cancer patient can sometimes be better treated if different therapies are c arried out under the constant observation of the patient’s condition in different places (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria).
■ Austria is even better than Germany for heavy iron radiation and rehabilitation. If the patient would only get all therapy options in one place, then Switzerland is probably the best place. For individual therapies, Germany generally has a world level in all areas.
■ The EUCAPACO company organizes individual support for cancer patients with translators from the airport to the hotel and to the university clinic, where the patient receives therapy. Upon request, the patients can be accompanied to their homes. For example at home from Munich University Hospital to Taipei (Taiwan).
■ The EUCAPACO company organizes the trust discussion about the condition of the patients with the experts during the therapy period in Europe.
5. translation service
■ The professional translation of the medical diagnosis, in which all previous therapeutic measures are documented in your home language, forms the basis for quick further treatment by experts. EUCAPACO organizes expert translation for cancer patients before starting treatment in the EU (Germany, Switzerland, Austria). The immediate translation of the diagnosis helps the patient to get an early operation date.
■ Some cancer treatments and diagnoses (TACE, MWA, RWA, CT, MRI) treat cancer patients without anesthesia or with local anesthesia. In this case, a translator sometimes also takes part in the operation because the patient has to present a desired posture from the doctor to facilitate the surgical procedures.
■ A translator also plays a major role during the rehabilitation period until you leave home from the airport. Linguistically and mentally accompanying the cancer patient occupied by the fear of death is not an easy task that not everyone can do.